Awards Directory

science fiction awards database

Major Career Awards

1996 .. 2023

1975 .. 2024
SFWA Grand Master Awardchosen by SF & Fantasy Writers of America officers

Major Awards

1953 .. 2024
Hugo Awardsfor SF/F works, voted by members of annual World Science Fiction Convention

1966 .. 2024
Nebula Awardsfor SF/F works, voted by SF & Fantasy Writers of America professional membership

1975 .. 2024
World Fantasy Awardsfor Fantasy works; juried, with nominations from World Fantasy Con members

2006 .. 2024
Andre Norton Awardfor YA SF/F works, presented by SFWA in parallel with the Nebula Awards

1972 .. 2024
British Fantasy Awardsfor fantasy works published in the UK, voted by British Fantasy Society members, juried since 2012

1970 .. 2024
British SF Association Awardsfor SF works published in the UK, voted by British SF Association members

1973 .. 2019
John W. Campbell Memorial Awardfor SF novel published in US or UK; juried

1985 .. 2023
Chesley Awardsfor SF/F/H artworks; voted by members of Association of SF & F Artists

1987 .. 2024
Arthur C. Clarke Awardfor SF novel published in the UK; juried

2016 .. 2024
Dragon Awardsfor SF/F works, voted on by members of the annual Dragon Con

2016 .. 2024
Eugie Awardsfor short fiction that inspires, enlightens, and entertains, juried

2020 .. 2024
Ignyte Awardsfor SF/F/H that celebrates vibrancy and diversity; committee and popular vote

1951 .. 1957 x
International Fantasy Awardsfor SF/F works, juried

2022 .. 2024
Le Guin Prizefor single book-length work of imaginative fiction; juried

2018 .. 2024
Lodestar Awardfor YA SF/F works, presented by Worldcon in parallel with the Hugo Awards

2020 .. 2022
Otherwise Awardfor SF/F that explores and expands the roles of women and men, juried

1983 .. 2024
Philip K. Dick Awardfor SF original paperback published in the US, juried

2010 .. 2024
Ray Bradbury Awardfor SF/F dramatic presentation, presented by SFWA in parallel with the Nebula Awards

2008 .. 2024
Shirley Jackson Awardsfor works of psychological horror and dark fantastic, juried

1988 .. 2024
Bram Stoker Awardsfor Horror works, voted by Horror Writer's Association professional membership

1987 .. 2024
Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Awardfor SF short fiction in English; juried

1992 .. 2019 x

Locus Awards and Poll

1971 .. 2024
Locus Awardsfor SF/F/H works, polled by readers of Locus Magazine

All Others

1979 .. 2024
Analog Readers Pollfor stories, articles, and art published by Analog, polled by readers

1972 .. 1990 x
Prix Apollofor novel published in French; suspended 1991

2001 .. 2001 x
ASFA Web Awardfor websites, presented in association with the Chesley Awards

1987 .. 2023
Asimov's Reader Pollfor stories, poems, and art published by Asimov's, polled by readers

2020 .. 2024
Astounding Award for Best New Writer.for new SF/F writer, voted by members of annual World SF con

1996 .. 2024
Aurealis Awardsfor SF/F/H works published in Australia; juried

1980 .. 2024
Aurora Awardsfor Canadian SF/F in English and in French, voted by members of annual convention

1979 .. 1985 x
Balrog Awardsfor fantasy works, presented an annual FoolsCon in Kansas City

1959 .. 2022
Big Heart Awardservice award to member of the SF community; presented at World SF Con

1973 .. 2019 x

2006 .. 2020
Carl Brandon Awardsfor works by persons of color, and dealing with issues of race and ethnicity; juried

1992 .. 2020
A. Bertram Chandler Memorial Awardfor outstanding achievement in Australian SF, presented by Australian SF Foundation

2012 .. 2018
Copper Cylinder Awardsfor Canadian SF novels, by members of Sunburst Award Society

2001 .. 2024
Cordwainer Smith Rediscovery Awardfor writers deserving renewed attention; juried

1985 .. 2024
William L. Crawford - IAFA Fantasy Awardfor first fantasy book, juried

1983 .. 2024
Compton Crook Stephen Tall Memorial Awardfor best first novel, voted by members of annual Balticon

1995 .. 1996 x
Deathrealm Awardsfor horror works, voted by readers of Deathrealm magazine

1997 .. 2022
Dell Magazines Awardfor short fiction by unpublished writers, juried

1969 .. 2024
Ditmar Awardsfor Australian SF/F, voted by members of Australian National SF Convention

2006 .. 2024
Dwarf Stars Awardfor short poems of 1-10 lines, voted by members of SF Poetry Association

1977 .. 2013
Eaton Awardfor best critical book, to 2001; since 2008, for lifetime achievement, juried

2013 .. 2024
Elgin Awardsfor poetry chapbooks and books, presented by the SF Poetry Association

2003 .. 2011
Emperor Norton Awardfor extraordinary invention and creativity

1999 .. 2024
Endeavour Awardfor best book by a Pacific Northwest writer, juried

1976 .. 2018
Fan Activity Achievement Awardsfor fan achievements, presented at Corflu, a fanzine fans convention

1963 .. 2022
First Fandom Hall of Fame Awardfor fans active at the time of the first World SF Convention

1966 .. 2022
Forry Awardfor lifetime achievement, presented by the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society

2004 .. 2006
SLF Fountain Awardfor speculative fiction short story, juried

1974 .. 1981 x
Gandalf Awardsfor fantasy novels and grand masters, administered in parallel with the Hugos

1986 .. 2021
Jack Gaughan Awardfor emerging artists, presented by the New England SF Association

1999 .. 2019
Gaylactic Spectrum Awardsfor SF/F/H on GLBT themes, voted by members of Gaylactic Network

1999 .. 2022
Geffen Awardsfor SF works in Hebrew, voted by members of annual Israeli SF/F convention

1998 .. 2000 x
George Turner Prizefor unpublished Australian SF/F novel

1992 .. 2015
Golden Duck Awardsfor children's and YA SF books, juried

1989 .. 2003 x
Hayakawa's SF Magazine Reader's Awardfor short fiction published in Japan's Hayakawa's SF Magazine, voted by readers

2003 .. 2023
Robert A. Heinlein Awardfor hard SF inspiring space exploration, presented by the Heinlein Society

1991 .. 2001 x
HOMer Awardsfor SF/F works, voted by members of SF/F forum on CompuServe

1985 .. 2022
IAFA Awardsfor scholarship, grad student, and service, presented by IAFA

1987 .. 2006
I-CON Awardfor contributions to SF/F/H, presented by annual convention I-CON

1991 .. 2022
Ignotus Awardsfor SF works published in Spain, voted by members of Spanish SF Association

1993 .. 2021
Grand Prix de l'Imaginairefor SF works published in France, juried

1995 .. 2008 x
International Horror Guild Awardsfor horror works, juried

1984 .. 2015
Interzone Readers Pollfor stories published in Interzone magazine, polled by readers

1995 .. 2022
Italia Awardsfor SF/F works published in Italy, voted by members of annual Italcon

2000 .. 2019
James White Awardfor unpublished SF story, juried

1974 .. 1978 x
Jupiter Awardsfor SF novels and stories, voted by instructors of SF courses in higher education

2010 .. 2023
The Kitschiesfor speculative/fantastic works that elevate the tone of genre literature, juried

1984 .. 2022
Kurd Lasswitz Preisfor SF works published in Germany, juried

1989 .. 2024
Lambda Awardfor gay and lesbian literature, juried

2009 .. 2018
David Gemmel Legend Awardsfor fantasy novels and art, nominated by publishsers and editors, voted by fans

1989 .. 2022
Lord Ruthven Awardsfor fiction and nonfiction about vampires, juried

2001 .. 2007 x
Mechanical Peachfor SF/F/H short fiction, open internationally, juried via blind competition

1980 .. 1997 x
Milford Awardfor lifetime achievement in publishing or editing

1971 .. 2024
Mythopoeic Awardsfor fantasy works in the spirit of the Inklings, voted by members of the Mythopoeic Society

1997 .. 2001 x
Prix Ozonefor SF/F/H works published in France

2002 .. 2019
Peter McNamara Awardfor professional in the Australian SF field

1999 .. 2019
Phantastik Preisfor SF/F works published in Germany, polled by readers of website

1970 .. 2013 x
Phoenix Awardfor lifetime achievement, presented by DeepSouthCon

1970 .. 2019
Pilgrim Awardfor lifetime contribution to SF and fantasy scholarship

1979 .. 2024
Prometheus Awardsfor SF works on libertarian themes, voted by members of the Libertarian Futurist Society

2005 .. 2007 x
Quill Awardfor favorite books, voted by readers, announced on TV

1987 .. 1992 x
Readercon Awardsfor small press books and magazines, voted by members of Readercon

1996 .. 2020
Retro Hugo Awardsfor SF works 50 years past, voted by members of the World SF Convention

1978 .. 2024
Rhysling Awardsfor SF/F poetry, voted by members of the SF Poetry Association

1999 .. 2006 x
Richard Evans Awardfor genre writers who are worthy but insufficiently recognized; juried

1998 .. 2022
Rotsler Awardfor lifetime of work by a fan artist, presented by Southern California Institute for Fan Interests

1996 .. 2006 x
Sapphire Awardsfor SF romances, nominees by readers of SF Romances Newsletter, winners juried

2002 .. 2006 x
Southeastern SF Achievement Awardsfor SF/F/H works by writers in southeastern US

1970 .. 2024
Seiun Awardsfor SF/F works published in Japan, voted by members of annual Japanese SF Con

1994 .. 2000 x
Science Fiction Age Readers Pollfor stories published in SF Age magazine, polled by readers

1982 .. 1998 x
Science Fiction Chronicle Readers Pollfor SF/F works, polled by readers of Science Fiction Chronicle magazine

1999 .. 2013 x
SF Site Readers Pollfor SF/F books, voted by readers of SF Site website

2011 .. 2013 x
SF&F Translation Awardsfor authors and translators of sf/f works translated from other languages into English

1990 .. 2022
SFRA Awardsfor works and contributions to SF

1992 .. 2023
SFWA Awardsfor works and contributions to SF, presented by the SFFWA

1996 .. 2024
Sidewise Awardsfor works of alternate history, juried

2002 .. 2021
Sir Julius Vogel Awardsfor SF/F published in New Zealand, voted by members of annual National SF Con

1966 .. 2022
Skylark Awardfor contribution to SF in the spirit of E.E. "Doc" Smith; presented by NESFA

1994 .. 2020
Spectrum Awardsfor SF/F/H artworks, juried

2001 .. 2020
Sunburst Awardfor novel or book-length collection by a Canadian, juried

1980 .. 1980 x
The American Book Awardsfor books in various categories, including paperback

1998 .. 2002 x
Tour Eiffelfor novels in French or in translation

1991 .. 2012
UPC Awardfor unpublished novella, open internationally, juried via blind competition

1998 .. 2005 x
Prix Utopiafor life achievement, given by French Utopiales International Festival

1997 .. 2001 x
Warner Aspect First Novel Contestfor unpublished first novel, juried

2003 .. 2005 x
Wooden Rocket Awardsfor Sf/F related websites, voted by readers of SF Crowsnest website

1991 .. 2016
World Horror Grandmasterfor outstanding contributor to the horror genre; voted by World Horror Con members

1955 .. 2022
Worldcon Special Convention Awardspecial honors presented by the committee of the World SF Convention

1985 .. 2022
Writers and Illustrators of the Futurefor stories and art by contest winners, juried

2007 .. 2024
WSFA Small Press Awardfor short fiction from small press publications, voted by member of Washington SF Assn

2006 .. 2010 x
Xatafi-Cyberdarkfor SF works published in Spain, juried by critics

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This page last updated Thursday 24 Oct 2024 at 10:08 PT