Robert Charles Wilson

science fiction awards database

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Awards Summary

Career and Special Awards: 1

Major Awards: 4


Other Awards: 7

Total Number of Award Wins and Nominations: 84

Times Served as Judge: 1

— Career and Special Awards —
Aurora Awardsfor Canadian SF/F in English and in French, voted by members of annual convention
— hall of fame — winner

— Major Awards —
Hugo Awardsfor SF/F works, voted by members of annual World Science Fiction Convention
(7 nominations; 1 win)

Julian Comstock: A Story of 22nd-Century America (Tor) — novel — nomination

Julian: A Christmas Story (PS Publishing) — novella — nomination

Spin (Tor) — novel — winner

Blind Lake (Tor) — novel — nomination

The Chronoliths (Tor) — novel — nomination

Darwinia (Tor) — novel — nomination

“Divided by Infinity” (Starlight 2) — novelette — nomination

Nebula Awardsfor SF/F works, voted by SF & Fantasy Writers of America professional membership
(2 nominations)

“The Perseids” (Realms of Fantasy Dec 1995) — novelette — nomination

“The Perseids” (Realms of Fantasy Dec 1995) — novella — Nomination Deleted

World Fantasy Awardsfor Fantasy works; juried, with nominations from World Fantasy Con members
(3 nominations)

The Perseids and Other Stories (Tor) — collection — nomination

“The Inner Inner City” (Northern Frights 4) — short fiction — nomination

“The Perseids” (Northern Frights 3) — short fiction — nomination

John W. Campbell Memorial Awardfor SF novel published in US or UK; juried
(4 nominations; 1 win)

Julian Comstock: A Story of 22nd-Century America (Tor) — second place

Axis (Tor) — finalist

Spin (Tor) — second place

The Chronoliths (Tor) — winner (tie)

Philip K. Dick Awardfor SF original paperback published in the US, juried
(3 nominations; 1 win)

Mysterium (Bantam Spectra) — winner

A Bridge of Years (Doubleday Foundation) — finalist

A Hidden Place (Bantam Spectra) — finalist

Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Awardfor SF short fiction in English; juried
(2 nominations; 1 win)

“The Cartesian Theater” (FutureShocks) — winner

Julian: A Christmas Story (PS Publishing) — shortlist

— Locus Awards and Poll —
Locus Awardsfor SF/F/H works, polled by readers of Locus Magazine
(24 nominations)

Owning the Unknown: A Science Fiction Writer Explores Atheism, Agnosticism, and the Idea of God (Pitchstone) — non-fiction — 10th place

Last Year (Tor) — sf novel — 9th place

Burning Paradise (Tor) — sf novel — 9th place

“Fireborn” (Rip-Off!) — novelette — 8th place

Vortex (Tor) — sf novel — 10th place

Julian Comstock: A Story of 22nd-Century America (Tor) — sf novel — 4th place

“This Peaceable Land; or, The Unbearable Vision of Harriet Beecher Stowe” (Other Earths) — novelette — 18th place

“Utriusque Cosmi” (The New Space Opera 2) — novelette — 9th place

Axis (Tor) — sf novel — 6th place

Julian: A Christmas Story (PS Publishing) — novella — 8th place

“The Cartesian Theater” (Futureshocks) — novelette — 17th place

Spin (Tor) — sf novel — 3rd place

Blind Lake (Tor) — sf novel — 10th place

The Chronoliths (Tor) — sf novel — 3rd place

“The Dryad's Wedding” (Star Colonies) — novelette — 26th place

The Perseids and Other Stories (Tor) — collection — 15th place

Bios (Tor) — sf novel — 16th place

Darwinia (Tor) — sf novel — 2nd place

“Divided by Infinity” (Starlight 2) — novelette — 7th place

Mysterium (Bantam Spectra) — sf novel — 30th place

The Divide (Doubleday Foundation) — sf novel — 24th place

“Extras” (F&SF Dec 1987) — novelette — 28th place

A Hidden Place (Bantam Spectra) — first novel — 3rd place

“State of the Art” (F&SF Jan 1986) — short story — 23rd place

— Other Awards —
Aurora Awardsfor Canadian SF/F in English and in French, voted by members of annual convention
(18 nominations; 4 wins)

Blind Lake (Tor) — best of the decade — nomination

Tesseracts Ten (RCW & Edo van Belkom, eds.) (EDGE) — other work in English — nomination

Spin (Tor) — long-form work in English — nomination

Blind Lake (Tor) — long-form work in English — winner

The Chronoliths (Tor) — long-form work in English — nomination

Bios (Tor) — long-form work in English — nomination

“Plato's Mirror” (Northern Frights 5) — short-form work in English — nomination

Darwinia (Tor) — long-form work in English — winner

Mysterium (Bantam Spectra) — long-form, English — nomination

“The Perseids” (Northern Frights 3) — short-form, English — winner

Mysterium (Bantam Spectra) — long-form, English — nomination

The Divide (Doubleday Foundation) — long-form, English — nomination

Gypsies — long-form, English — nomination

Gypsies (Bantam) — long-form, English — nomination

Memory Wire (Bantam) — long-form, English — nomination

Memory Wire — long-form, English — nomination

A Hidden Place (Bantam Spectra) — outstanding work, English — nomination

Compton Crook Stephen Tall Memorial Awardfor best first novel, voted by members of annual Balticon
(1 nomination)

A Hidden Place (Bantam Spectra) — finalist

Geffen Awardsfor SF works in Hebrew, voted by members of annual Israeli SF/F convention
(1 nomination; 1 win)

Spin — sf book — winner

Grand Prix de l'Imaginairefor SF works published in France, juried
(1 nomination; 1 win)

Spin — Translated Novel — winner

Kurd Lasswitz Preisfor SF works published in Germany, juried
(1 nomination; 1 win)

Spin — foreign novel — winner

Phantastik Preisfor SF/F works published in Germany, polled by readers of website
(2 nominations)

Darwinia — foreign novel — nomination

Darwinia — foreign novel — nomination

Seiun Awardsfor SF/F works published in Japan, voted by members of annual Japanese SF Con
(3 nominations; 1 win)

Vortex — translated novel — nomination

The Chronoliths — translated novel — nomination

Spin — translated long form — winner

SF Site Readers Pollfor SF/F books, voted by readers of SF Site website
(5 nominations)

Vortex (Tor) — sf/fantasy book — 10th place

Julian Comstock: A Story of 22nd-Century America (Tor) — sf/fantasy book — 4th place

Axis (Tor) — sf/fantasy book — 8th place

Spin (Tor) — sf/fantasy book — 3rd place

Darwinia (Tor) — sf/fantasy book — 8th place

Sunburst Awardfor novel or book-length collection by a Canadian, juried
(7 nominations)

Last Year (Tor) — Adult — nomination

The Affinities (Tor) — Adult — nomination

Julian Comstock: A Story of 22nd-Century America (Tor) — Adult — nomination

Axis (Tor) — Adult — nomination

Spin (Tor) — nomination

Blind Lake (Tor) — nomination

The Chronoliths (Tor) — nomination

— As Judge —
Philip K. Dick Awardfor SF original paperback published in the US, juried

Copyright 2012 - 2024 by Mark R. Kelly and the Locus Science Fiction Foundation. All rights reserved.
This page last updated Monday 1 Jul 2024 at 19:57 PT