Premee Mohamed

science fiction awards database

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And What Can We Offer You Tonight • novella • Neon Hemlock, 2021
Nebula Awards 2022 — novella — winner
World Fantasy Awards 2022 — novella — winner
The Annual Migration of Clouds • novella • ECW Press, 2021
Aurora Awards 2022 — novelette/novella — winner
“At Every Door a Ghost” • short fiction • Communications Breakdown, 2023
Locus Awards 2024 — novelette — 9th place
Aurora Awards 2024 — short story — nomination -- pending
Beneath the Rising • novel • Solaris, 2020
British Fantasy Awards 2021 — horror novel (August Derleth Award) — nomination
Locus Awards 2021 — first novel — 7th place
Aurora Awards 2021 — novel — nomination
A Broken Darkness • novel • Solaris, 2021
British Fantasy Awards 2022 — horror novel (August Derleth Award) — nomination
Locus Awards 2022 — horror novel — 6th place
Aurora Awards 2022 — novel — nomination
Escape Pod (assistant editor; with 9 other nominees)
Hugo Awards 2022 — semiprozine — nomination
Hugo Awards 2023 — semiprozine — nomination
Hugo Awards 2024 — semiprozine — nomination -- pending
No One Will Come Back for Us • collection • Undertow, 2023
British SF Association Awards 2024 — collection or anthology — nomination
Locus Awards 2024 — collection — 2nd place
Aurora Awards 2024 — related work — nomination -- pending
The Siege of Burning Grass • novel • Solaris, 2023
Le Guin Prize 2024 — shortlist -- pending
These Lifeless Things • novella • Solaris, 2021
British Fantasy Awards 2022 — novella — nomination
Aurora Awards 2022 — novelette/novella — nomination
The Void Ascendant • novel • Rebellion/Solaris US, 2022
Aurora Awards 2023 — novel — nomination

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This page last updated Friday 19 Jul 2024 at 10:47 PT