Names Fo-Fu

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Names with 20 or more awards and/or judges credits are in bold. Those with 5 or more award records include additional pages arranged chronologically (-C) and, for book and story titles, by title (-T), as indicated by links.
Fogg, Martyn J.
Fogg, Vanessa
Foglio, Kaja -C -T
Foglio, Phil -C -T
Foigny, Gabriel de
Foley, James -C -T
Foltzer, Christine
Fong, Grace P. -C -T
Fonollosa y Guardiet, Joan Baptista
Fonseca, Yader
Fonstad, Karen Wynn
Font-Agustí, Jordi
Fontaine, Marina
Fontana, D. C.
Fontenay, Charles
Fontenot, Larry
Fontseré, Terry Broch
Foote, Bud
Foray, Verge
Forbeck, Matt
Forbes, Amy Beth
Forbes, Curdella
Forbes, Dominic
Ford, Carl T. -C
Ford, Ford Madox
Ford, Jeffrey -C -T
Ford, John M. -C -T
Ford, Michael Thomas
Ford, Mike
Ford, Paul F.
Ford, Richard
Ford, Tana
Forde, Pat -C -T
Fordwalker, Tania
Foreman, Lelia Rose
Foreman, Travel
Forest, Susan J. -C -T
Forester, C. S.
Forna, Namina
Forrest, Amanda
Forrest, Bella
Forrest, Francesca
Forrest, Katherine V.
Forstchen, William R.
Forster, E. M.
Forster, Miriam
Forsyth, Kate -C -T
Fort, Irene da Rocha
Fortey, Bryn
Fortin, Elana
Fortin, Mathieu
Fortune, Eric
Forward, Robert L. -C -T
Foss, Chris
Foss, Richard
Foster, Alan Dean -C -T
Foster, Brad W. -C -T
Foster, David
Foster, Eugie -C -T
Foster, Hugh G.
Foster, John
Foster, Jon -C -T
Foster, M. A. -C -T
Foster, Monalisa
Foster, Richard
Foubister, Amanda
Fountain, Ben
Fouqué, Friedrich
Fowler, Christopher -C -T
Fowler, Karen Joy -C -T
Fowler, Milo James
Fowles, John
Fox, Andrew
Fox, Daniel
Fox, Emily
Fox, Gardner F.
Fox, Harold J.
Fox, Janet
Fox, Matt
Fox, Nathan
Fox, Richard
Fox, Rose
Fox, Steven -C
Foxe, Jocelin
Foxlee, Karen
Foy, George
Foyster, John -C -T
Fracassi, Philip
Fraction, Matt
Fragias, Dionisios
Frahm, Leanne -C -T
Fraillon, Zana
Fraistat, Ann
Frame, Janet
Francavilla, Joseph
France, Anatole
Francis, Bruce
Francis, Consuela
Francis, Diana Pharoah
Francis, Freddie
Francis, Peter H.
Francis, Steve & Sue
Francis, Taj
Francisco, Anthony
Francisco, Ben
Franco, Rossetti Christophe
Frank, Carl
Frank, Diana Crone
Frank, Erica
Frank, Gary
Frank, Howard
Frank, Jane -C -T
Frank, Jann
Frank, Jeffrey
Frank, Meg
Frank, Pat
Frank, Scott
Frank, Victoria
Franke, Charlotte
Franke, Herbert W.
Frankel, Laurie
Frankel, Valerie Estelle
Frankland, David
Franklin, Alis
Franklin, Bob
Franklin, Edgar
Franklin, H. Bruce -C -T
Franklin, Jay
Franklin, Michael
Franklin, Ruth
Frankos, Laura
Frankowski, Leo
Franks, Jason -C -T
Franquiz, Naomi
Franson, Donald
Franson, Robert W.
Frantz, James Matt
Frantz, JP
Franznick, Zoe
Fraser, Rebecca
Fraser-Coombe, Warwick -C -T
Frassetto, Marco
Fratz, Doug -C
Frayling, Christopher
Frayn, Michael
Frazer, Lee
Frazetta, Frank -C -T
Frazier, Ian
Frazier, Robert -C -T
Freas, Frank Kelly -C -T
Freas, Polly
Frechette, Guy -C -T
Fréchette, Louis
Fréchette, Nathan
Frederick, Carl -C -T
Fredrick, Candice
Free, Colin
Freebairn, Alison
Freedman, Carl
Freedman, Mitchell
Freeman, Brian James
Freeman, Gary -C
Freeman, Les
Freeman, Mary E.
Freeman, Pamela
Freeman, R. Austin
Freer, Dave
Freestone, P. M.
Freiman, Kate
Freireich, Valerie J. -C -T
Freitas, Robert A., Jr.
Freivald, Patrick
Frelik, Pawel
Fremlin, Celia
French, Aaron J.
French, Gillian
French, Jackie
Frenkel, James R.
Frey, J. M.
Frey, Oliver
Friborg, Albert Compton
Fried, Seth
Friedberg, Gertrude
Friedel, Vivian
Friedkin, William
Friedman, Bruce Jay
Friedman, C. S. -C -T
Friedman, Mark
Friedman, Ron
Friedman, Stuart
Friel, Fran
Friend, Beverly
Friend, Oscar J.
Friend, Peter -C -T
Fries, Aaron
Friesen, Hal J.
Friesner, Esther M. -C -T
Frievald, Patrick
Frisch, O. R.
Fritch, Charles E.
Fritz, Kathryn
Fritzsche, Sonja
Fröding, Gustaf
Froehlich, Joey
Frolich, Danny
Frost, Gregory -C -T
Frost, Julie
Frost, Mark
Frost, Michael
Frost, Robert
Frost, Terry -C
Froud, Brian -C -T
Froud, Wendy -C -T
Fruge, Tobias A.
Frutkin, Mark
Fry, Gary -C -T
Fry, Nan
Fry, Stephen
Fry, Susan
Frye, Ellen
Fu, Kim
Fuentes, Carlos
Fueston, Jen Stewart
Fuiano, Roberto
Fujii, Taiyo
Fukunaga, Cary
Fulda, Nancy
Full Cast Audio Family
Fuller, Bryan
Fuller, Jameyanne
Fuller, Lisa
Fuller, Sarah Canfield
Fullerton, H. L.
Fullilove, Eric James
Fulmer, Richard
Fulton, Deb
Fultz, John R.
Funke, Cornelia
Funnell, Augustine Bruins
Fuqua, C. S.
Furey, Maggie
Furlong, Monica
Furnal, David
Furnas, J. C.
Furth, Robin
Furukawa, Hideo
Fusco, Adam Corbin
Futrelle, Jacques
Fyfe, H. B.
Fyodorov, Nikolai
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This page last updated Tuesday 9 Jul 2024 at 10:17 PT