science fiction awards+ database

Hugo covers

Took the afternoon off and spent four hours scanning, mostly, missing covers from Hugo-nominated novels, after which I re-assembled and rebuilt the Hugo pages, a few minutes ago. I already had most covers since 1988 or 1989 or so — since I’ve been posting new books pages on Locus Online — but before that, I had nothing. Searching and Google images works intermittently, but it’s been faster simply to scan books I have in my library, which is most first editions back to the early 1970s, and rely on web searches in those few cases (about 10 titles over 20 years) where I’d not bought, or had sold, first edition copies. For those I did scan today (and earlier), I’ve saved large scans, at height 1000 pixels. Not sure what I’ll do with those… perhaps link them in somehow. A few Hugo covers remain to be collected…. I plan to install covers for as many of the ‘major’ awards as I can, before launching this site publicly.

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