Names N

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Names with 20 or more awards and/or judges credits are in bold. Those with 5 or more award records include additional pages arranged chronologically (-C) and, for book and story titles, by title (-T), as indicated by links.
Naam, Ramez -C -T
Nabakov, Vladimir
Nabokov, Vladimir
Nabors, William
Nadelman, Neil
Nadgeman, Dave
Nadis, Fred
Nadramia, Peggy -C -T
Naegele, Amyas
Nael, Marta
Naftalis, Sarah
Nagamatsu, Sequoia
Nagata, Linda -C -T
Nagele, Alexandra Rose
Nagle, Pati
Nagy, Steve
Naha, Ed
Nahin, Paul J.
Nahrung, Jason -C -T
Naimon, David
Nakamura, Kazuhiko
Namjoshi, Suniti
Nance, Kathleen
Nanson, Phil
Napoli, Donna Jo
Napper, T. R. -C -T
Napper, Tim
Narayan, R. K.
Narayan, Shweta
Nasar, Jonathan
Nash, Charlie
Nash, Charlotte
Nash, Helena
Nash, Ogden
Nasir, Jamil -C -T
Nassise, Joseph M.
Natale, Vince
Natalini, Edoardo
Nathan, Robert
Nathan, Simone
Nattel, Lilian
Naughton, Hannah
Nault, Renee
Nava, Michael
Navarra, Victoria
Navarro, Yvonne -C -T
Nayler, Ray -C -T
Naylor, Chris
Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds
Nazarian, Vera -C -T
Ndlovu, Yvette Lisa
Neal, H. C.
Near, Allyse
Nearing, H., Jr.
Nearing, Homer Jr.
Nedjadi, Rae
Needle, Jan
Neely, Tom
Neff, Ondrej
Negarestani, Reza
Negrete, Javier
Neilsen, Philip
Neilson, Ingrid -C -T
Neilson, John
Nelder, Geoff
Nelson, Alan
Nelson, Bill
Nelson, Charles M.
Nelson, David Erik
Nelson, Jim
Nelson, Lucille
Nelson, Mark
Nelson, Matthew
Nelson, Megen
Nelson, Ray -C -T
Nelson, Rolf
Nelson, Suzanne
Nelson, Winona
Nelson-Tyers, Jessica
Nero, Marco
Nesbit, E.
Ness, Mari
Ness, Patrick -C -T
Nesti, Fido
Nestvold, Ruth -C -T
Nesvadba, Josef
Nethercott, GennaRose
Nette, Andrew -C -T
Neube, R.
Neuenschwander, Bryn
Neugebauer, Annie
Neustifter, Blue
Neuvel, Sylvain -C -T
Nevala-Lee, Alec -C -T
Névant, Alain
Nevill, Adam -C -T
Neville, Katherine
Neville, Kris
Neville, Lil
Nevins, Jess
New, David W.
Newall, LynC & Clive
Newbolt, Henry John
Newcomb, Simon
Newcombe, Ion
Newcomer, Alan Bard
Newitz, Annalee -C -T
Newland, Courttia
Newland, Emily
Newland, Mike
Newman, Emma -C -T
Newman, Janice L.
Newman, Kim -C -T
Newman, Kyle
Newman, Mark
Newman, Marko
Newman, Peter -C -T
Newman-Stille, Derek -C -T
Newman-Wise, Alexander
Newton, Dale
Neyroud, Gerard E.
Ng, Jeanette
Ngai, Victo -C -T
Nguyen, Lena
Nguyen, Robert
Nguyen, Tran -C -T
Nguyen, Trung Le
Ní Fhlainn, Sorcha
Ni, Xueting Christine
Niall, David
Nicholas, Joseph
Nicholls, Jack
Nicholls, Peter -C -T
Nicholls, Stan
Nichols, Brent
Nichols, Ian
Nichols, Jerry
Nichols, Nichelle
Nichols, Scott
Nicholson, Christian
Nicholson, Jenny
Nicholson, Marjorie Hope
Nicholson, Sam
Nicholson, Scott -C -T
Nickel, Scott
Nickels, Thom
Nickels, Tim
Nickens, Christopher
Nickle, David -C -T
Nickolls, Leo
Nicolaeva, Lubov
Nicolay, Scott
Nicoll, Gregory E.
Nicoll, James -C
Nicolson, Harold
Nielsen Hayden, Patrick -C -T
Nielsen Hayden, Teresa -C -T
Nielsen, Cliff
Nielsen, Niels E.
Nielsen, Terese
Niemann-Ross, Mark
Niemeier, Brian
Niemelä, Marketta
Niendorff, John Starr
Nieto, Nadxieli
Niffenegger, Audrey -C -T
Nightingale, Charles
Nikakis, K. S.
Nikel, Wendy
Nikolajeva, Maria
Nikolopoulos, George
Niles, Steve -C -T
Nimersheim, Jack
Nimoy, Leonard
Nino, Alex
Nissenson, Hugh
Nister, Der
Nitkey, Spencer
Nitz, Jai
Niveau, Thana
Niven, Larry -C -T
Nix, Garth -C -T
Niyonsenga, Aline-Mwezi
no award -C
no qualifying nominations
Noak, Stew
Noakes, Donald G.
Noakes, Emory
Noakes, Sarah
Noble, Jon
Nobriga, Jason
Nodier, Charles
Nodvik, Stan
Noel, Scot
Nogha, Misha
Nogle, Christi
Nogueira, Claudia Barbosa
Nogueira, Diogo
Nolan, Cameron
Nolan, Christopher -C
Nolan, Dennis
Nolan, Jonathan
Nolan, Val
Nolan, William F. -C -T
Nolane, Richard D.
Noles, Pam
Nolfi, George
Nolte, Katherin
Nomarhas, Carole
Noon, Jeff -C -T
Norbert, W.
Norcliffe, James
Norden, Eric
Nordley, G. David -C -T
Norman, John
Normand, Jean-Pierre -C
Norris, Frank
North, Claire -C -T
North, Joan
North, Nikki J.
North, Pearl
North, Phoebe
Northcutt, J., Jr.
Northey, Lawrence -C -T
Northington, Jenn
Northwood, D. A.
Norton, Andre -C -T
Norton, Andrew
Norton, Henry A.
Norton, K. C.
Norton, Mary
Norton, Ralph
Norwood, Warren G.
Notkin, Debbie
Nourse, Alan E.
Novak, Helga M.
Novakova, Julie
November, Sharyn -C -T
Novik, Naomi -C -T
Novitski, Paul David
Novotny, John
Nowacka, Katarzyna
Nowlan, Philip Francis
Nowra, Louis
Noyes, Alfred
Noyes, Deborah
Noyes, Pierrepont B.
Nunn, Alice
Nunn, Cameron
Nunn, James
Nunn, Ken
Nunnally, Errick
Nurse, Cecil
Nurse, Chris
Nussbaum, Abigail -C -T
Nutman, Philip
Nuttall, Christopher G.
Nwaka, Uchechukwu
Nwosu, Poppy
Nyameye, Kofi
Nybert, Suzanna
Nye, Jody Lynn
Nye, Robert
Nylund, Eric S.
Nyoka, Gail
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This page last updated Tuesday 9 Jul 2024 at 10:17 PT