Analog Readers Poll Tallies

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  Analog Readers Poll  
Total Analog Poll Wins
13 Richard A. Lovett
8 Michael F. Flynn
7 Adam-Troy Castro, Bob Eggleton, David A. Hardy
6 Vincent Di Fate
5 Stephen L. Burns
Total Analog Poll Nominations
[Number of wins in brackets]
54 Richard A. Lovett [13]
29 Michael F. Flynn [8]
27 Vincent Di Fate [6]
23 David A. Hardy [7], Stephen L. Burns [5]
22 Bob Eggleton [7]
19 Adam-Troy Castro [7]
Analog Poll Never-Winners
Number of nominations without ever having won
7 Bruce Boston
6 Michael Carroll, Michael McCollum, Marie Vibbert
5 Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff, Juliette Wade, Jim Burns, H. G. Stratmann, Wolf Read, Alec Nevala-Lee, John Gribbin
4 Peter L. Manly, Alan Gutierrez, Poul Anderson, Doug Beekman
3 Donald Kingsbury, Rosemary Claire Smith, Eric Vinicoff, Daniel Hatch, Marissa Lingen, Thomas Donaldson, Ron Collins, Dr. J. Kevin Steele, David W. Goldman, Duncan Lunan, Howard V. Hendrix, Robert Frazier, Charles L. Harness, Rob Chilson, Mary Caraker, G. O. Clark, Kevin J. Anderson, Maurizio Manzieri, Steven Gould
Total Analog Poll Losses
Number of times nominated but lost [Number of wins in bracket]
41 Richard A. Lovett [13]
21 Michael F. Flynn [8], Vincent Di Fate [6]
18 Stephen L. Burns [5]
16 David A. Hardy [7], Edward M. Lerner [2]
15 Bob Eggleton [7]

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This page last updated Tuesday 9 Jul 2024 at 10:17 PT