Nikky Lee

science fiction awards database

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“The Dead May Dance” • short fiction • Midnight Echo #15
Aurealis Awards 2021 — fantasy short story — nomination
“Dingo & Sister” • short fiction • Andromeda Spaceways Magazine Mar 2020
Aurealis Awards 2021 — young adult short story — winner
Aurealis Awards 2021 — fantasy novella — winner
Aurealis Awards 2021 — sf novella — nomination
“Karkinos” • short fiction • Cancer: Speculative Fiction Inspired by the Zodiac, 2020
Aurealis Awards 2021 — fantasy novella — nomination
Once We Flew • novella • self-published, 2023
Aurealis Awards 2024 — sf novella — winner
“Ram's Revenge” • short fiction • Aries: Speculative Fiction Inspired by the Zodiac, 2020
Aurealis Awards 2021 — young adult short story — nomination
The Rarkyn's Familiar • novel • Parliament House, 2022
Aurealis Awards 2023 — young adult novel — nomination
“What Bones These Tides Bring” • short fiction • Remains to be Told: Dark Tales of Aotearoa, 2023
Aurealis Awards 2024 — fantasy short story — nomination

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This page last updated Tuesday 28 May 2024 at 13:36 PT