Maria Lewis

science fiction awards database

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Awards Summary




Awards Won: 2

Total Number of Award Wins and Nominations: 9

Aurealis Awardsfor SF/F/H works published in Australia; juried
(7 nominations; 2 wins)

The Graveyard Shift (Datura) — horror novel — nomination

The Phantom Never Dies — Convenors' Award — winner

The Rose Daughter (Piatkus) — fantasy novel — nomination

“The House that Hungers” (Aurealis #146) — horror short story — nomination

The Wailing Woman (Little, Brown) — fantasy novel — nomination

The Witch Who Courted Death (Hachette) — fantasy novel — winner (tie)

Who's Afraid Too? (Hachette Australia) — horror novel — nomination

Ditmar Awardsfor Australian SF/F, voted by members of Australian National SF Convention
(2 nominations)

The Rose Daughter (Hachette Australia/Little Brown) — novel — nomination

“The House that Hungers” (Aurealais Nov 2021) — short story — nomination

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This page last updated Tuesday 28 May 2024 at 13:36 PT