Howard V. Hendrix

science fiction awards database

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Awards Summary




Awards Won: 1

Total Number of Award Wins and Nominations: 9

Times Served as Judge: 1

— Major Awards —
Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Awardfor SF short fiction in English; juried
(1 nomination)

“At the Shadow of a Dream” (Aboriginal SF Spring 1993) — second place (tie)

— Locus Awards and Poll —
Locus Awardsfor SF/F/H works, polled by readers of Locus Magazine
(1 nomination)

Lightpaths (Ace) — first novel — 8th place

— Other Awards —
Analog Readers Pollfor stories, articles, and art published by Analog, polled by readers
(3 nominations)

“The Passenger Pigeon and the Great Filter” (Analog Mar/Apr 2023) — science fact — 3rd place

“Black Holes and the Human Future” (Analog Jul/Aug 2022) — fact article — 2nd place

“The Girls with Kaleidoscope Eyes” (Analog May/Jun 2017) — novella — 2nd place

Asimov's Reader Pollfor stories, poems, and art published by Asimov's, polled by readers
(2 nominations)

“Incandescent Bliss” (Asimov's Jun 2002) — short story — 9th place (tie)

“Gingko” (Asimov's Nov 1994) — poem — 8th place

Dwarf Stars Awardfor short poems of 1-10 lines, voted by members of SF Poetry Association
(1 nomination; 1 win)

“Bumbershoot” (Abyss & Apex 1Q 2009) — winner

Writers and Illustrators of the Futurefor stories and art by contest winners, juried
(1 nomination)

“In the Smoke” — Writers of the Future 3rd quarter — First Place

— As Judge —
Endeavour Awardfor best book by a Pacific Northwest writer, juried

Copyright 2012 - 2024 by Mark R. Kelly and the Locus Science Fiction Foundation. All rights reserved.
This page last updated Tuesday 9 Jul 2024 at 10:16 PT