science fiction awards+ database


The first part of the second phase of the long-promised expansion of sfadb — that is, expansion beyond the award listings themselves — has now been posted. These are ‘citations’, which is to say references to books in critical works, all-time polls, and reading guides. The ultimate project of sfadb, which may be renamed sfa+db, is to identify the key works of sf/f/h over the entire history of these genres. Some 28 citation sources have now been posted; another 30 or so (mostly larger, including extensive sources such as Neil Barron’s Anatomy of Wonder, James Gunn’s “Basic Science Fiction Library”, and John Clute’s Science Fiction: The Illustrated Encyclopedia) are yet to go.

1330 new and updated pages, including the citation source description pages.

This is the second phase of sfadb; there are two more phases, or maybe three, after that. Stay tuned.


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