Tony Pi

science fiction awards database

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“Cosmobotica” (by Costi Gurgu & TP) • short fiction • The Mammoth Book of Dieselpunk, 2015
Aurora Awards 2016 — short fiction — nomination
GAME ON! (by Stephen Kotowych & TP, ed.) • Zombies Need Brains LLC
Aurora Awards 2024 — related work — nomination -- pending
“A Hex, with Bees” • short fiction • Wrestling with Gods: Tesseracts Eighteen, 2014
Aurora Awards 2015 — poem/song — winner
“Metamorphosis in Amber” • short fiction • Abyss & Apex #24, Q4/2007
Aurora Awards 2008 — short-form work in English — nomination
“No Sweeter Art” • short fiction • Beneath Ceaseless Skies 4 Sep 2014
Aurora Awards 2015 — short fiction — nomination
“The Stone Cipher” • short fiction
Writers and Illustrators of the Future 2007 — Writers of the Future 1st quarter — Second Place

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This page last updated Wednesday 22 May 2024 at 11:28 PT