Seiun Awards Tallies

science fiction awards database

SE SF <— Overview thread —> SF Age Poll

  Seiun Awards  
Total Seiun Wins
8 Greg Egan
5 Larry Niven
4 Ted Chiang, Cixin Liu, no award, James Tiptree, Jr.
Total Seiun Nominations
[Number of wins in brackets]
24 Greg Egan [8]
12 Alastair Reynolds [2]
10 Ted Chiang [4]
9 Robert J. Sawyer [3], Dan Simmons [3]
Seiun Never-Winners
Number of nominations without ever having won
8 Connie Willis
7 Charles Stross, Ian McDonald
6 China Mieville, Gene Wolfe
5 Christopher Priest
4 Lois McMaster Bujold, Ian Watson
Total Seiun Losses
Number of times nominated but lost [Number of wins in bracket]
16 Greg Egan [8]
10 Alastair Reynolds [2]
8 Connie Willis
7 Ian McDonald, Charles Stross
6 Gene Wolfe, Ted Chiang [4], Robert J. Sawyer [3], Dan Simmons [3], Paolo Bacigalupi [2], China Mieville

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This page last updated Friday 5 Jul 2024 at 10:25 PT